Welcome to our New Y7 Students - September 2024
We look forward to welcoming our new Y7 students to The Blue School on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 8.45am.
All students should report to Kennion Hall (as they did on their induction day) where they will be greeted by Mr Wool and the tutor team. The morning will be spent with their tutors and fellow tutees and they will be issued with their timetables, have their photographs taken and, for those for whom we have received consent, their biometric images in order to purchase food and drink (if you have not yet given consent and wish to do so please complete the consent forms which have been emailed to you as soon as possible).
Students will be able to buy lunch in school if they wish, using either their thumbprints or pin number (please ensure you have set up your SCOPAY account and have put money on it). Those children eligible for Free School Meals will have their accounts automatically credited each day. If your child does not wish to purchase food in school, please ensure they bring a packed lunch.
After lunch (at 12.30), Y7 will have two lessons and will finish the day at the usual time of 3.15pm. If you are collecting your child, please make sure they know where you are meeting them (usually Kennion Car Park).
We hope your children will have a fantastic start with us and look forward to working with them and you for the next seven years.